Friday, December 29, 2006
hello! yeah i know its a little late. haha. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! oh yeah i returned from Genting!. hahas
man i lost my camera!! T.T anyways. shall post about genting without the pictures T.T you can try my cousin's blog. i think he put up the pictures. (it's really summarised) its a long post! you could rest for 5 minutes after reading one day of my post xD
Day #1woke up in the morning 6.30am. we were supposed to meet at the agency at beach road or something at 7.30am. haha my cousin(the one who lives on the 5thfloor) fetched us there. i was kind of excited. well yeah i suppose. we arrived. filled in the 'form' the travel thingy. you know the small card thing. yeah. and boarded the bus. we shared the bus with another family. so yeah.
it was like about 8 to 9 am when we had breakfast. or was it not. cant really remember very clearly. yeah i was very bloated. then boarded the bus again for another few hour trip.
alright! civilisation! see small houses around. and then there was this curved highway? and beside it was a hill. and it was a cemetry. then js and me started talking about creepy stuff we've experienced xD oh he said something about stuff happening in a hotel in china or something. so freaking scary. yeah and we stoppe talking and slowly fell asleep xD
we've reached the mountain! alright. but it wasnt very misty. not as misty as the last time ive visited this place which was last year with band for some 21st something competition. xD we arrived at the hotel. and after hearing the stories of the china hotel. i had this fear about the room. lols.
yeah we checked into our rooms. and i slept for awhile. then they all went down for dinner. oh and did a little exploring around the hotel and the fascilities. well that ended day 1.
Day #2alright!! woke up in the mornig 8.35am and got ready for
theme park!! oh but before that. we all went for breakfast until 11+ hahas. Js's father got us some tickets. cool huh. and the rest of them went to the casino. heard that my 4th uncle played til 3am last night =O and my eldest uncle woke up early in the morning just to go to the casino xD oh wells.
yeah we entered the theme park and it wasso crowded! like the queues were all extremely long. so the first ride we took was the 'superman' ride. bandists should remmeber the red and blue thingy outside? oh we realised that we needed to buy tickets for that ride and we did. we were supposed to ride a 'warm-up' ride but since all the queues were so long we decided to take that! wahooo! it was REALLY fun. i mean it had the falling feeling. and it makes you dizzy when it turns around and around. hhas really cool! words cant express what i feel xD
then we moved on. and decided to queue for the 'flying-chairs' the one with a lot of hanging chairs from this saucer and it spins everywhere. lols yeah. it was quite fast since one ride can fit a lot of people. well i cant really remember the sequence to all the rides. but i remmeber taking the pirate ship. yeah long queue as well. yeah i screamed for the sake of fun. and everybody laughed at me? maybe it was too loud xD
like about 3pm. we had lunch and decided to go for a game of bowling. since all the queues were really long! and yeah. we played about 3 games. at first my ball kept going into the drain! so embarrassing xD but like after 5 throws or something it started going straight cool eh! lols. i think the malaysia lane easier to play ehs. singapore one very hard xD well my scores were better than usual. like above 60! wahoo. lols i know for bowlers this would be a piece of cake xD but you know.
yeah we ended at about 5pm. and we headed back to the theme park. we decided to stay the night there! xD like until 10pm like that. yeah took a lot of rides. oh the fun kart thing! it was SO cold. the wind was blowing at me when i was driving. ten my hands went all cold and numb. whoaa. lols took that 2 times. one in the night.even colder!! i was shivering xD oh and the pirate ship. we dragged our auntie with us.once again i screamed for fun. hahas people laughed again xD
had SO much fun! we also took the flying dragon. super toboggan. cyclone. we didnt manage to take the mine train though. T.T i wanted to try that out sigh. oh wells. yeah ha a LOT of fun!!! lols. it was around 8-9 i suppose? cant remember. dont even care about the timing xD well the sky was dark. oh not to mention we queued up for about an hour for the monorail! and there was so much mist! and so freaking cold. i was shivering. lols and and! there was mist from my mouth! cool huh xD
oh! i wanted to take the one that goes up to dont know how many stories high and then drop down. and shoot up and drop down again. you know? but nobody wanted to take with me xD and it was so cold. i scared i take alone then the wind blow blow then im like omg cold! lols so i didnt take it T.T
yeah the day ended just like that. we went for dinner after that at some restaurant. had spagetti. lols and headed back to our rooms to sleep!
Day #3aww! the last day of everythingg.. we were supposed to gather in our rooms at.. oh crap i cant remember. i think it was 11.45pm? and the bus was supposed to arrive at 2.30 the latest. oh wells. we had breakfast. bought some gifts for my friends and section =D and exchanged the points for gifts at the arcade. and the went back to gather. oh you know the KFC there had set breakfasts! i think singaopre should have that. its really nice. its like 2 sausages. some scrambled eggs. and whiped potato! really good.hahas
we went to the bus terminal and realised that the bus broke down halfway and it was delayed by an hour. soo.. js suggested bowlinG! lols yes again xD hohoho! good news. my scores hit 97! waaa. 3 more marks til 100 ive never gotten a 100 before =O so it would be nice to get that. we had 2 games but for the second game i think i got 60+ or something. oh wells. yeah then we rushed downstairs to gather again xD it was about 3.30pm by then. got a blueberry cheesecake to get on the bus to eat. and js got blended caramel with cream? or something. yeah it was good. oh but that happened before the bowling xD
yea got on the bus. went down the mountain and saw a lot of mist. it looked really nice. went to this snake something to buy some souvenirs?? well snack form. lols got some stuff. and continued on our trip. we saw the sun! took pictures of it xD and yes another few hous gone by. and we wer talking nonsense and eating the crackers we got. then about 8pm we got down for dinner. got some bread for breakfast the next day xD
got up the bus again. then in about another hour plus time we reached the custom. yup did the necessaries. and headed to singapore. we saw a lot of lights from the roads of malaysia xD the lights in singapore that is. oh the malaysia roads are so nice. theres like no lights. its so dark and riding in the bus made me feel so sleepy cause of the lack of lights and the light rain. lols. yeah arrived at singapore. custom again.
headed to beach road where we first took off. hahas. it was a great weekend! how i wish it never ended. cause in a few days time. year 2007 is here and
SCHOOLING. urghss. hahas. oh wells. my 5th floor cousin came to pick us up again. it was rainning. and i realised he's working in the same company as his dad. so cutee. hahas. like ah so cool! no words can express what i feel about it xDD
oh wow! i finished posting about genting now. i know it was kind of long. hahas. hope you enjoyed it. lolss. got to go prepare. going out for a movie later. see you!
i blogged @
10:33 AM
Friday, December 22, 2006

hello. gosh. going to genting on sunday. aww i dont feel so well at the moment. hopefully i'll feel better later on. goodness. i had this problem once. is it my stomach or am i too hungry? oh please dont let this thing repeat itself. i dont want to be sick on the day i go to genting. how cold is 16 degrees? currently muching onto the prawn roll. you know the ones sold during cihnese new year.
school's reopening soon. sigh i dont want to return to school yet. sleeping later and later. waking up later and later. how terrible is that. when school starts i got to wake up at 6am again. sighh. and now im going into uppersec. i dont want T.T stress. i looked through the physics textbook and my jaws dropped. gosh! so profound. i dont understand. so many equations. heard from my math teacher sec3 teachers are going really fast. nooo..
i suppose i havent matured yet. sighh!! my head is spinning. gosh. well will be away from the 24th dec til 26th. as i said. im going genting during those days. hopefully i'll feel better by then. dont want to sick! noo. gawh. i know i already said this. hahas WAA! i really feel like ending i all.
(Photo featuring: Russel)
i blogged @
1:01 PM
Monday, December 18, 2006

you know i realised something. its not like we want to be this way. but because all of your biasness forced us to turn out this way! even if we want to change forthe benefit of everyone. you all would purposely focus and point us out. thats why we've adapted a hatred for that and you. even for the newbies who didnt understand what was happening. you would make it so obvious and that we have to explain it and they will too adapt the hatred. sheesh. this will never end. its like a cycle. for the people on both sides. we will all continue this thing and gradually it has become some sort of 'tradition' and the process has become some sort of routine. but thats not fair for us!! SHEESH!!
well lets changed the subject before it further angers me. lets see. it rained the entire day yesterday. couldnt do much. only layed in my grandparents' house. but before that on saturday. mama and i went out for a movie(its so weird having only 2 of us). then after that we met up with my auntie and uncle for dinner at sakae. well thats the most exciting ting so far.
and yes you should have read from zhixin's blog that we went bowling. and yup. it was fun. hahas. i did a strike so cool man. but its obviously a tyco-ed shot. hahas. i think size 9 is good. hahas i mean the bowling ball. its referred to in sizes right? hahas. anyways. better get going now. byebye
(the picture above is a black cat. well whats wrong with cats in black! they dont deserve this label that says 'i am unlucky!' sheesh. i can understand how one cat feels about being black. cause we experience the same thing except we have another label that says 'hating us is a tradition and you must do it too' and according to someone it has never changed since a long long time ago. stupid F.)
i blogged @
9:58 AM
Wednesday, December 13, 2006

hellos! went out today with dora and laycheng and met up with their friend yeehui in the later part of the day. well not very late like 2pm? anyways. it started in the morning when i met up with dora and laychen at toa payoh interchange and we were heading off to paragon for my dental appointment. i changed my colours. haha red and black. my teeth are so screwed. anyways. we went to toys'r us. however you spell it? yeah. laycheng wanted to get the 'fake' gameboy. you know the one with the blocks falling down and looked really 1D hahas. well apparently she found it but she kept doubting her choice and kept asking us whether she should purchase it. hahas. she kept asking and asking and finally decided not to. hahas
oh yeah. then after that we went to pasir ris. we wanted to go to the beach to rent a bike and for me to learn how to cycle for the first time after many years. hahas the first time i tried a 2 wheeled bike was when i was primary something? so i kind of had a phobia of it. hahas. well i was afraid at first. but after like 10minutes i got the hang of it. hahas i didnt expect it to be that fast! oh but before that. we got lost at pasir ris haha. oh the bike rental thing was at east coast. cause we asked so many people and nobody knew where the pasir ris beach was so we took a cab to east coast xD we rented a pair of rollerblades too. so 3 bikes and 1 rollerblade =D
had a GREAT day today. not to mention being able to hitch a ride on dora xD as in i held on to her shoulder as shes cycling and i just rolled along. hahas mum just returned home. she said my auntie had bought me something from taiwan. it is SO cute! its like this glass pig. its slightly smaller than my palm. and its like so fragile. it has 4 dice in it. so COOL!. there its the picture there. man my teeth are aching like mad!! i think i missed out a lot of things about today. oh wells better end here now bye.
i blogged @
7:18 PM
Tuesday, December 12, 2006

hmmms. hello im back! ive finished all my homework. wahooo! i feel so happy. you know i made this really fantastic drawing yesterday. well i like it. not sure if it appeals to the rest of you xD well since im not using my desktop. i cant scan the picture. but i really want to! so! i have taken a picture of it using the camera. the picture about is the picture i was talking about. oh not talking about the new black cat with red eyes ive just 'adopted' haha.
there you go! the picture i was talking about. its a drawing of the three sisters. well i drew these same girls like many years ago when i was young. they were my very first 'masterpieces' xD i mean the first 3 people with a storyline. well as you do not know. i used to draw on random themes. and even stories are random. so these 3 girls is the very first solid story ive made. i cant really remember their story. hahas. only remember the left girl being cloth , the right girl being earth and he middle girl being rainbow. i cant remember the names i gave them. hahas
well of course. their looks changed a little. because the way i drew them when i was young was pretty les detailed. hahas. even their hair was messed up. well their looks have changed as i moved on in my age and as my skills 'improved'. oh but earth kept to her orginal look. like that fringe and the long wavey hair. the other two's looks cannot be drawn nicely anymore xD
well! thats all ive got to say today. i'll write again another time. hopefully i can also make another masterpiece. to think of it. i drew many characters last time. maybe its time i make them a little more detailed and advanced looking like the 3 sisters. hahas. alright! bye.
i blogged @
5:44 PM
Sunday, December 10, 2006

hello! had a great concert last night! wahooo! go go clarinet! hahas. thank you both st margerets' and chij band people for making last night so enjoyable. i wasnt really exited at first. but after that the tension kind of came. xD especially when i was walking onto the stage afte the st margs junior band performed. because my father was out there somewhere as an audience! man! i dont like that fact. i was thinking hes going to be so proud of me and start making plans such as me persuing music when im all old and senile. sheesh my guess was right.
anyway. i think i squeaked THREE times for der vogelhandler. like AHHH! and i played ONE wrong note. thats TERRIBLE. how if it happens again for the SYF judging?! thats NOT good! i better do something about 'stage fright' thing. haha. and at the end of the first half of the concert. we all stood up and waited til mr.tan left the stage. but! we didnt know whe to sit! so we remained standing. like ahhh!! haha. then i wanted to sit down s everybody would sit down but then if im the only who sat down. and nobody realised i sat down. and everybody would reman standing except for me! that'll be terrible. hahas.
i also enjoyed the second half of the concert. the part when dr john lynch conducted us. and after everything. my father came to give me flowers. god so embarrassing!! 3 of them came to give me a bouquet of flowers one by one! and in the end i received 3 bouquets of flowers(so sary!! i was practically the only one who got 3 bouquets!) and melissa was there too. she gave me a flower. how sweet. thanks! i passed the flowers all back to my parents cause obviously i couldnt carry my bag 3 bouquets 1 stalk and my clarinet case. but the bouquets were really cute. cause there was keychain in the middle of the flowers. how adorable.
alright. and then we rushed back to the changing room and kept our instruments. then tengteng popped in our changing room with 2 packets of marshmallows for our section. yeah and she ran off. haha xD not really ran off but cause alyssa was going "BAND!" and ya cause she was the only st margs bandist there. hahas. and yup we loaded the percussion intruments. and off we went. towards school. its been some time since ive been to school cause we've been going to st margs for practises.
dora starting blowing bubbles in the bus xD she got the bubble blower from ms.ratulagni's wedding ceremony the same day afternoon. sorry im not sure how to spell it. and i didnt know she was getting married! dora said she was crying and really happy. she also said that the guy she was marrying had waiting for her since primary school. and he would peek at her when she was having cathocism. how sweet's that. anyways. we reached school and the thirds got a really nice gift from a fellow third clarinetist from st margs. it was plates. and jannah if im not wrong wrote a message on them. that was so nice! danielle dora and me didnt get one. cause we werent playing thirds for the combined concert. sigh.
oh wells seems like a long post. shall put up some pictures of what the hall looked like. and a picture of dora, her sister, danielle, laycheng, karen, andrea and me. haha. not accordingly.
i blogged @
4:22 PM
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
hello! haha i found the virtual pet link thing on weiting's blog. then i suddenly remembered my old pet cat. i think it was called blackmiao. but after that i just kind of forgotten about it. haha but anyway, i think its time for a tiger! theyre just so cute. if you put your cursor there long enough. it may just pounce on it. ah so cute right haha.
went for the st margerets' band practice today. and finally dr. john lynch has arrived in singapore! haha. sir said that his flight was delayed yesterday and thats why he only reached singapore at 12 midnight last night when we were all sleeping. hahas. anyway he did some breathing exercises at the beginning and then we moved on to the visions of flight and then rumble on the high plains. so im guessing the other 3 pieces will be completed tmr? we'll be having CHIJ full band practice there after that. the juniors will be joining us.
and by the way sir blew his top yesterday. it was so scary. he just 'screamed' haha not really shouted cause he got really angry. i was kind of shocked that he suddenly became like that =O he even knocked the stand so hard that on the things on it went 'flying' hahas. well my jaws kind dropped. haha.
i was just thinking of what would it be like to have a pet dog. sighh. how nice. but unfortunately my mum would definately reject to it. well it will become a little troublesome. haha having terrapins was a problem the other time. haha well it grew so much! from a 2-thumb sized little baby terrapin to almost a one-and-a-half-palm sized big terrapin. so much huh. oh wells we released it in the end. freedom ma. hahas
all right all right. i shall stop here then. write again another time.
i blogged @
6:08 PM
Friday, December 01, 2006
WHOA! came back from band camp yesterday. i had loads of fun for the past 3 days. well before that we had a sec4 farewell outing at vivocity on monday. it was a beautiful day until i had a sudden fever. sheeesh! i was feeling sleepy and tired for the entire day well except for this period of time after i took panadol. then we headed for sentosa. but unfortunately it rained. so we couldnt do much there. but then christine dora and me decided to watch the 4D magix thingy while the rest thought it was too expenisve and hence waited outside for a very long time. and yes of course i felt extremely guilty =D yes then we went to the beach and played a few minutes of frisby and by that time we were all pretty tired and hence decided to go home~ and yes i was feeling really sleepy and my head was heavy. took some panadol and went straight to bed.
then tuesday came. but my fever stayed. soo.. i didnt go for the st. margerets exchange in the morning, instead went to the doctors. hahas got a 3day MC. after taking my medicine and slept for 3 hours mum fetched me to school for band. and why did i go for band? because i wanted to see the guest conductor mr nonami. he as invited from japan to teach us for the afternoon. my section attending his workshop in genting last year so i didnt want to miss out on this chance to see his liveliness again. hahas he was a funny man. made my friend think of
many things xD
the day ended and we had dinner then a movie. we watched narnia. i remember thee was this scene where santa claus gave the 3 children 'weapons'. then dora asked me "who is this man giving them weapons" and so i said "santa claus" so she thought i was joking and hit my lap! hahas. so she repeated her question and i repeated my answer. and she thought i was joking again. but it
is santa isnt it? haha xD so she realised it was santa and we kind of started laughing. haha. we slept in the choir room or something.
we were woken up the next morning by whispers and people walking around and the stomping of foots. dora said people were already talking at 5am in the morning!! we were supposed to wake up at 7.15 but instead everybody woke up at 6am plus! crazy man!
today it'll be my first time going to st margeret's for the exchange program thing. cause i missed yesterday's session because of the fever. so i met them for the first time. the people in the clarinet section there were really friendly. there were nice to talk to. hahas. and of course made some friends. and someone said my name sounded like a vietnamese! so sad. everybody thought i was from some foreign country. haha. maybe not everybody. well yeah i had a good time there and the day ended and its time for the barbecue!
our section had 2 barbecue pits. 2 you say? why because the barbecue pits were pretty tiny and our section was pretty big so we needed 2 pits! hahas. our juniors were really good at barbecuing sausages hahas xD well the ones they made definately looked nicer than the ones the senior had made. hahas. had marshmallows, lasagna, fish balls, crab sticks, chicken wings and etc. thank you to all the parents who helped in sponsoring some food for the band. we were all having fun and some were screaming about xD.
after cleaning up both the barbecue pits and ourselves, we assembled in the band room. a group of us had an 'illegal' gathering at the double bass corner. hahas. we were playing heart attack with cards and had marshmallows! it was like a silent card game. haha very limited screaming xD. this time we slept on the 6th floor performing arts room or whatever its called. always get the 2 performing arts rooms mixed up. it was really a nice sight in there cause we could see the night sky throught the windows. and the windows were practically surrounding the room. and it was much bigger than the other room we slept in for the previous night.
the next morning came. i was more tired than last night. hmm weird. well today went by pretty fast. had sectionals in the morning and full band in the afternoon. and finally break camp! everybody went home and it was rainning so mum came to fetch roxanne and me.
alright! this should be a very long post got to go get some rest now. incase i get another fever on the concert day! ahh. im getting weaker and weaker thats BAD! how terrible. bye!
i blogged @
12:14 PM